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  • Writer's picturechieaynne

Start here.

I think the hardest part of starting anything new is deciding where to start. Or when to start.. or how to start.. The hardest part is just starting.

As a 31 years old single mother, the idea of starting a new career in tech seems so far fetched. I don't have a degree, I have no experience in tech, and I’m uncultured af. Just the thought of transitioning from running my family’s small business in the hood to a fast paced corporate job, scares the hell out of me. But our greatest rewards come when we step outside our comfort zones, at least that’s what I’ve heard.

For me, I think that the journey of making a major career change starts with believing you can. You gotta have that “Little Engine That Could Mentality”. Getting your mind right, is the key. So if you don't know where to start, start here:

I still reference this book from time to time. My favorite take aways are: 1. Start with the end in mind 2. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. (I love to use this one when in the middle of an argument). Like I said earlier, there were things presented in this book that I have already learned from Law of Success. I would actually suggest this one in place of The Law of Success because it is shorter and modern. However, if you appreciate the wisdom of the elders, start with The Law of Success. It’s something about the book being written in 1925 that really does it for me.

For me, I think that the journey of making a major career change starts with believing you can. You gotta have that “Little Engine That Could Mentality”. etefSo if you don't know where to start, start here:me at 30 as it was when I was 20 but I would say, it help me choose certain paths along my jounery. It made me a believer.

Another one where I can’t remember much except how it made me feel. If you are looking for a book that will help you be a better human being, read this one. I have never looked at coincidences the same, after reading this one.

This is the spiritual version of Start With Why. This book helped me out of a depression episode by making me appreciate my life a bit more. I had been looking for a book that did something to my spirit the way The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecy did, and this was it.

I hold these books near and dear to my heart. They have definitely helped shape my mind and give me the confidence to take on this journey.

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